Ancillary Plans

Ancillary plans, which are sometimes known as Supplemental Benefits, can be a useful tool to help fill in the gaps of your other insurance policies or simply provide additional protection. We offer a wide variety of plans that can help you cover the cost of high deductibles or copays, off-set dental and vision expenses, cover unforeseen medical expenses while travelling internationally and more. Most of these plans can be purchased by themselves or added onto a traditional health plan – speak with one of our licensed agents today for more information.

Types of Supplemental Insurance Protection


  • Dental Insurance
  • Vision Plans
  • Cancer
  • Critical Illness Plans
  • Life Insurance
  • Hospital Indemnity
  • Accident Plans
  • Travel Insurance


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What is Dental Insurance?
Dental insurance is a type of health insurance designed to pay a portion of the costs associated with dental care.

What is Vision Insurance?
Vision insurance is a form of insurance that provides coverage for the services rendered by eye care professionals such as ophthalmologists and optometrists.

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How is a Cancer Plan different from a traditional medical plan?
Medical insurance reimburses the insured, or provider, for covered and approved medical services, procedures, equipment, and prescription drugs. The Cancer Plan pays an immediate one-time, lump-sum payment directly to the insured upon initial diagnosis of covered cancer. The cancer insurance policy benefit can be used for any purpose you choose.

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What is Life Insurance?
Life is precious, and we understand the delicate nature of planning ahead for one’s final expenses. Losing a loved one can be overwhelming and for many families it can be financially devastating. Whether you are looking to protect your family’s financial future or want to ensure that your funeral expenses aren’t a financial burden for your loved ones, we can walk you through the process of finding the right plan for your budget and season of life.


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What is Hospital Indemnity Insurance?
Hospital indemnity insurance is a type of plan that pays a set amount – per day, per week, per month, or per visit – if you’re confined in a hospital. The Hospital Plan is a hospital indemnity insurance plan.

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What is Accident Insurance?
Accident Insurance helps you handle the medical and out-of-pocket costs that add up after an accidental injury. This includes emergency treatment, hospital stays and medical exams, and other expenses you may face, such as transportation and lodging needs.

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What is Travel Insurance?
We offer a specific kind of travel insurance that is designed to help with unforeseen medical expenses while travelling internationally. Because other countries’ health systems are quite different from here in the US, we highly recommend that you purchase this additional coverage for while you’re away. Many folks don’t know that medical evacuation is never covered by health insurance. If you needed a major surgery or hospitalization, would you want to be brought back to the US for your care? Did you know that Original Medicare does not cover you while outside of the country? Call us for more information today.